Quoc-Hung “Key” Nguyen, MD Receives Two Prestigious Research Awards from Association for Academic Surgery

Quoc-Hung “Key” Nguyen, MD, a UCSF general surgery resident and a research fellow in the basic science laboratory of Tippi MacKenzie, M.D., received two prestigious awards at the 14th Annual Academic Surgical Congress held in Houston, Texas on February 5-7, 2019. His participation was underwritten by the Department of Surgery Resident Travel Fund, recently established by the Department to promote excellence in resident research and participation in major surgical conferences.
Dr. Nguyen's abstract, “In Utero Enzyme Replacement Therapy in Sly Syndrome Penetrates Blood-Brain Barrier and Induces Long-Term Immunologic Tolerance” was ranked in the top 1% of all 1609 abstracts accepted, meriting its selection as a plenary presentation at the conference.
Dr. Nguyen was also awarded the AAS Outstanding Resident Research Award in the category of Basic Science for the abstract, which earned the highest score among the 294 submitted in this category. Dr. Nguyen was also selected as the winner of the AAS Outstanding Resident/Fellow Presentation Award by virtue of winning a resident and fellow quickshot competition among plenary presenters who were invited to compete. He received both awards at a formal ceremony on February 7th.
Dr. Nguyen's research interests, which include fetal molecular diagnosis and therapy with a focus on rare and fatal diseases such as Sly Syndrome, are funded by a T32 grant from the Center for Reproductive Sciences. Dr. Nguyen has been fortunate to have several influential mentors, Dr. Tippi Mackenzie as a scientific mentor, and Dr. Benjamin Padilla as a clinical mentor.
"Dr. Nguyen has been an instrumental member of my lab over the last 2 years, and has generated exciting data with the potential to advance the field of fetal molecular therapy. He is a promising young surgeon scientist with a bright career in academic pediatric surgery ahead of him." --- Tippi MacKenzie, M.D.
About the Association for Academic Surgery
The Association for Academic Surgery is the world’s largest organization dedicated exclusively to the promotion of surgical research. The Association for Academic Surgery and Society of University Surgeons host the yearly Academic Surgical Congress, the premier gathering place for young surgeon-scientists in academic surgery.