Transplant Surgeons Sandy Feng and Peter Stock Rank in Top 20 of NIH-Funded Investigators in Surgery for 2017

Transplant surgeons Sandy Feng, M.D., Ph.D. and Peter G. Stock, M.D., Ph.D. continued their stellar records of accomplishment in garnering NIH funding for their cutting-edge clinical research, ranking in the top 20 of all NIH-Funded principal investigators in the category of surgery nationally for 2017. Stock ranked 8th and Feng 20th out of 534 investigators nationwide, both in the top 4%, this according to survey data analyzed by the highly respected Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research.
Blue Ridge utilized data from the Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tool (RePORT) to survey U.S. medical schools for their NIH funding levels between October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017.
Drs. Feng and Stock have consistently ranked in the uppermost tier of NIH-funded surgery investigators in surgery recent years. Stock has finished among the top 20 investigators for the past 3 years; Feng for the past 5 years, ranking in the top 10 for four of those years.
Blue Ridge also looked at NIH funding levels among 76 departments of surgery nationally. UCSF is now ranked third, at $16,261,894, a stunning rise from sixth in the last survey, while finishing in the top 4% overall. The Department also has other NIH-funded collaborators in programs such as in the Surgical Innovations Program that bring in additional NIH funding.