Lucy Kornblith Winner of 2014 Earl Young Award from WTA

UCSF General Surgery Residency Program - April 01, 2014
Lucy Kornblith, MD, a research fellow in the UCSF General Surgery Residency Program and member the Cohen Lab led by her research mentor, Mitchell J. Cohen, M.D., was recently awarded the Earl Young Award for 2014 from the Western Trauma Association. (Last year the award went to another UCSF General Surgery resident, Matt Kutcher, MD.) The Earl Young Award, the most prestigious for resident research in trauma, is the result of a highly competitive process to determine the top resident paper/presentation at WTA's annual meeting. Dr. Kornblith's esteemed work consisted of biologically and functionally characterizing whole blood and whole blood variants.
View Photo from Award Ceremony (David Livingston, Lucy Kornblith, Mitch Cohen)