Lucy Kornblith, MD, Co-Investigator on $2M DOD/CDMRP 2-year Grant in Collaboration with UCSF Dept. of Lab Medicine and OHSU Trauma Surgery
UCSF Department of Surgery at Zuckerberg San Francisco General - - December 12, 2019

UCSF surgeon-scientist Lucy Zumwinkle Kornblith, MD is a co-investigator on a newly awarded $2M Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program in collaboration with the UCSF Department of Laboratory Medicine, and OHSU Division of Trauma, Critical Care, and Acute Care Surgery, for the study of "Freeze Dried Platelet Extracellular Vesicles as a Hemostatic Adjunct to Resuscitation for Prolonged Field Care."
The DOD/CDMRP funded study is a multicenter, multi-investigator grant with primary investigators Dr. Shibani Pati (Department of Lab Medicine, UCSF) and Dr. [...]